Friday, October 18, 2013

Reflection to Dust Bowl "Rules for Dining".

Please respond to "You Ought to Be In Pictures"
This is the view from your car window.
Journal your immediate thoughts, feelings, or emotions. Write in first person.


  1. We need to get out of here! Cover the girls and hang on! Try to seal the doors and windows of the car and put masks over you face!

  2. how did i get transformed back to the 30s. I am fearful that the dust will clog the air filters of my 1990 rusty dodge pickup i am making a fast uturn to get out of here!!!

  3. Here it comes again!
    It is so discouraging - mom works so hard to get our clothes clean and food tasty; yet, every day for months now it has all been in vain. Dad struggles with the crops but no rain in sight. Melissa, my younger sister, now has the cough. Several of the town kids have taken ill and some have even died. We keep praying...what else can we do?

  4. Oh, my goodness! Ma, help. It's getting dark. the dust is blowing in. I can hardly see. Please help me, I don't want to get lost. I can taste it in my mouth; it's stinging my eyes

  5. I am about to be engulfed by dust and enveloped in darkness. How long, O Lord? Is this the hand of God stretching itself out against us for our wickedness? Come quickly to save us. In feast or fallow, we will trust in you.

  6. As I am driving home from a long day's work, the clouds are ominously rolling in. The sudden gust of wind reminds me of God's great power over nature. Now I am hurrying on to make it home with my children before the dust engulfs us.

  7. Oh my! We are going to come out black with dust! Quick roll up the windows and cover your faces! Use the blankets! We're all going to need baths later!

  8. We need to get moving. The storm is moving rapidly! It has engulfed the landscape. I can taste the dust. I can't see anything. Black. Dark. Hard to breathe. When will this end?

  9. I enjoyed the morning--inspected the cows--threw a stick for Dog--stayed away from home --both to escape chores and the bleakness of the farm. Then the sky turned dark, the temperature dropped, and the wind blew so hard I could hardly see.

    I walked--no, ran--southwest to where the house ought to be--ran into the fence--
    I found the house, the cellar--safe . . . again.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I am terrified! Even if we turn around, can Dad drive fast enough to get away? Oh God, help us! I remember folks talking about the darkness. You can't see. You can't breath. Dad, please turn around! Oh God, please help us!
