Thursday, October 17, 2013

Collaborating with Grandview Park Baptist School Staff

Friday Deb Vail and I will  have the opportunity to work with the secondary staff from Grandview Park Baptist School in Des Moines, IA. We will be revisiting the principles of Project CRISS and learning about new strategies to encourage active involvement of students. Several of the strategies will involve the opportunity to write on my blog as we study the topic of the Dust Bowl.


Staff will be synthesizing learning from a module about the Dust Bowl. They will upload an icon that encapsulates their understanding of the Dust Bowl.
Think about the elements incorporated in todays learning activities: primary source documents, multiple resources, technology integration that all fall within a Framework for Learning.  
Explain how this icon represents the Dust Bowl for you.


  1. It's dark and the dust is blowing all around. It's hard to see because of it all. It's hard to breath because of it all. When will the wind die, when will the rain come? I bet this is the opposite of what Noah felt in the boat. I wonder if this is what it's like in the Arabian desert.

  2. Will I ever come home again? This dust is endless, covering everything . . . our home and crops, our animals. But we can't move fast enough to get away from it. Do I want to leave? No. Do we have to leave? Yes. There's nothing left here but dust and wind howling through open space, pushing us out of the only home I've known.

  3. Even through the hardships people were going through, they chose to see the blessings they were given instead of focusing on the trial. Joy over Trials.

  4. All that these people went through and they remained hopeful and strong. They focused on what was important, faith and family. Inspiring example of JOY OVER TRIALS.

  5. Through the pictures and the song, you could just see the depression, the despair, and yet through it all, joy and hope

  6. Joy over trial focuses on the good times/blessings rather than the dire situation.

  7. icon of truck loaded for california represents the theme of "migration." many left the dust bowl areas for the hopes of work (representing a better life) further west.

  8. Umbrella of God's protection during trials of life.

  9. Trials will come . . . some are worse than others, in fact, they look huge. God has promised to hold us up in the trial so I can smile at/in the storm.

  10. Blessings in the storm. There is always something to smile about even in trials
